Recently I noticed there are many keyword research tools are available in digital marketplace which help to identify niche keywords for promoting or advertising of specific product. Some businesses also lately eager to find search keywords which are relevant to their product or service promotion. Among other reason is because optimizing search keywords is critical to get a higher ranking in the current search engines. In term of data mining task, the data source here are the biggest on-line database (WWW), specifically search keywords of the available search engines.
Before we start, let me explain why search keywords are important to many search engines. For example, Google’s seach engine does the work for you by searching out Web pages that contain the keywords you used to search, then assigning a rank to each page based on several factors, including how many times the keywords appear on the page. Higher ranked pages appear further up in Google’s search engine results page (SERP), meaning that the best links relating to your search query are theoretically the first ones Google lists.
According to the Microsoft adCenter Labs, keyword research technology goes beyond traditional data mining because of the scale and scarcity of the data. For example, in the study of keyword semantics alone, there are many potential relationships such as synonymy, antonymy, similarity, membership, attribute, causation, hierarchy, and substance. Tools in the Keyword Research category exploit such relationships between the keywords.
We know that data mining tasks include classification, association rules, dependence modeling etc. Well, I can say that at least research keyword tools are belong to association rules task because this data mining tool provides a graphic view of the associations between entities by mining the co-occurrences of entities in search queries or search sessions. Such associations will be useful when creating query suggestions or analyzing user search patterns.
I have managed to try one keyword research tool available in the market called Keyword Research Pro. Keyword Research Pro pulls keywords from the biggest databases online, adding up to several million keywords. No other keyword tool is able to pull keywords from so many different keyword sources. In addition, it has a built-in ‘auto-digging’ feature that will dig down multiple layers of keywords to return to you the desired number of keywords you require. So for example, if you require 1,000 keywords for ‘weight loss’, Keyword Research Pro will fetch keywords and ‘auto dig’ until it returns you 1,000 ‘weight loss’ related keywords. Keyword data sources include:
– Google AdWords Keyword Tool
– Keyword Discovery
– Wordtracker
– 7Search
– Miva
– YouTube
Keyword Research Pro will not only tell you how popular any keyword is, it will also tell you how much competition there is, how many people are advertising on those keywords, how much they are paying, their actual ad copy, you can even view your competitors actual landing pages!
Keyword Research Pro Analysis Options:
– Competition: Google, Yahoo & Bing (Phrase or Broad Match, AllInTitle (default) & AllInAnchor)
– Search Volume: Google (default), Wordtracker, 7 Search, Keyword Discovery
– Keyword Effectiveness: Keyword Effectiveness Index (default) & R/S Ratio
– Pay-Per-Click Info: Average Cost-Per-Click (Broad, Phrase, Exact) and Competing Ads (Analyze competitors’ PPC ad copy and actual landing pages with ease!)
For More Information about Data Minining click here
1 Comment
I am not all able to understand such concepts in the video available over the internet, but after reading your article in this post it quite easier for me to grasp the concept of data mining and keyword search tool.