Web mining means employing the technique of data mining into the documents on the net. Web mining can be used for studying varied aspects of a site can recognize the patterns and relationships in the user behavior so as to get the insight in crucial information. For instance, In order to improvise accessibility quotient of the website, you surely need to have the knowledge of the crucial points that have to be improvised. The web mining service gives you required results. Web mining takes into account, the IP address of the visitors of the website, cookies, browser logs, etc.
These web mining tools examine and evaluate the logs and process the same accordingly for producing it into understandable and meaningful information. For Instance, different bits of information could be analyzed for tracking the browsing the route of the visitors of the website. This will, in turn help you in devising the methods for making your website very effective.
The overall process of web mining includes extraction of information from the net through the conventional practices of the data mining and putting the same into the website features.
Types of Web Mining
As we mentioned earlier, web mining assists in discovery of information and finds the related documents and data, and also identifies the trends and the patterns to confirm the efficiency of the web resources. Basically the web mining is of three types:
Web structure mining
This involves the usage of graph theory for analyzing the connections and node structure of the website. According to the type and nature of the data of the web structure, it is again divided into two kinds:
Extraction of patterns from the hyperlinks on the net: The hyperlink is structural form of web address connecting a web page to some other location.
Mining of the structure of the document: The tree like structure gets used for analyzing and describing the XHTML or the HTML tags in the web page.
Web Usage mining process
In the web usage mining process, the techniques of data mining are applied so as to discover the trends and the patterns in the browsing nature of the visitors of the website. There is extraction of the navigation patterns as the browsing patterns could be traced and the structure of the website can be designed accordingly. For example, a particular feature of website that is used by the visitors frequently, then you must look forward to enhance and pronounce so as to increase the usage that can appeal more to users of the website. This kind of mining makes use of accesses and logs of the web. Simply by understanding the movement of the guests and the behavior of surfing the net, you can look forward to meet the preferences and the needs in a better manner and popularize your website among the masses in the internet arena.
Web Content Mining
Such kind of mining process attempts to discover all links of the hyperlinks in a document so as to generate the structural report on a web page. The information regarding the different facets, for instance, if the users are in a position to find the information, if the structure of the website is too shallow or deep, whether the elements of the web page are correctly placed, the least visited and the most visited website areas and whether they have something to do with page design, etc. Such kinds of things are analyzed and evaluated for deep research.
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